You will die a
thousand times
before you wake up
feeling alive in
your own skin.
You will love all
of the wrong hearts
before you realize
the strength in your own.
~ d. Antoinette Foy
As I ponder the raw story telling that happened in our latest episode, I recognize this uncomfortable ass clenching feeling running through my body. While listening to the final cut prior to release, I actually began to sweat when I realized one of my most personal stories is going out into the world for the masses to hear. Will I be judged? Will I lose friends or the respect of co-workers and family members? Damn, all answers to my minds' obsessive worries are out of my control.
Then, I hear the word "compassion" and remember how it can be the healing salve that cures all madness. But, where does it start? Oh yeah, it begins inside the individual, in me. Growing up in a home that exhibited little compassion and an abundance of "hard knocks", my past response to fear was to judge myself until emotional annihilation and sabotage took over - preventing any forward movement. My own fear became my warden and prison. But, not now. I am tired of playing someone else's role that was conditioned and served to me on a platter. Now, I am free to be me - all of me.
As I breathe deeply with my eyes closed and let the feeling in my body take center stage, awareness overcomes the fear. Clarity reminds me that I can move my body slowly, allowing the tension to leave through the soles of my feet and pores of my skin. Surprisingly, I am reminded of why vulnerably sharing my story is important. The intention for this podcast isn't about receiving personal accolades and encouragement, it is about relating and connecting with others in a way that ends isolation and alone-ness.
Self compassion breeds more compassion for others. Compassion also allows for good change to occur. With the right amount of honesty, vulnerability and compassion we can overcome anything!